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6 Reasons to Volunteer with a Hospice Provider

April 23, 2022

hospice care

If you’re thinking about volunteering your time to a cause you find worthy, consider a hospice volunteer program. It may be different than you would expect. Here are six reasons why hospice volunteering makes sense:

1. You can find roles that fit you

You may want to volunteer directly with patients and their family members, or alternatively, that role may not seem like the right fit for you. Either way, a hospice has volunteer options to fit your personality and preferences, and these organizations can use help in all areas. If you’re wondering what do hospice volunteers do, you have many roles to choose from, such as:

  • Visiting with patients
  • Giving caregivers respite time or helping them with errands
  • Being there during a patient’s final hours
  • Fundraising
  • Assisting with administrative duties
  • Providing community outreach
  • Offering your skill, which could include sewing, reflexology, pet therapy, or others

You won’t be forced into a role you’re not comfortable with. Instead, you can discuss your interests and skills with the hospice volunteer coordinator to find the right fit.

2. You’ll help patients and caregivers

As a volunteer, you can support hospice patients directly by visiting with them and helping them during a difficult transition time for themselves and their caregivers. Also, caregivers are often stretched thin and have little time for themselves. You can be a big help by giving them a break or helping with errands. Alternatively, you can indirectly help patients and caregivers by supporting the hospice in a non-patient capacity, which allows the entire wheel of the organization to move smoothly.

3. You’ll benefit your own well-being

Volunteering is good for you! People tend to feel good about helping others, and volunteering gives a concrete way to do that. Giving your time to an organization like this and the people there can help you feel fulfilled, happy and like your life is meaningful. It can give you a health and well-being boost.

4. You’ll improve your resume

Volunteer training and a consistent volunteer role contribute to your skills and experience, which you can add to your resume. Volunteering also shows your character, which could impress a potential employer. Plus, you could gain connections through your volunteer role. While volunteer experience could contribute to anyone’s resume, volunteering at a hospice would look particularly good for roles in the health field or non-profits.

5. You’ll meet local people

One of the great things about volunteering is that it gives a way to make friends and find social support. You’ll meet like-minded people interested in hospice and giving back. If you’ve come to hospice volunteering through a personal experience with hospice services, you may bond with other people who have experienced the same. Plus, volunteering offers a place to spend your time, a set schedule if that’s helpful for you, and a free social activity.

6. You’ll help the organization

Many hospices are non-profit organizations that can use all the support they can get in carrying out their mission. As a volunteer, you’ll be supporting the mission and the staff members. In addition, hospices have a requirement to use volunteers in order to receive Medicare funding for their services. At a minimum, five percent of total patient-care hours must be carried out by volunteers. Therefore, your volunteer support would help patients utilize Medicare and the hospice accept Medicare as a form of payment.

How to Become a Hospice Volunteer

Does this type of volunteering sound interesting to you? Reach out with questions or fill out our volunteer application to volunteer with Mission Hospice.